Casual pool dabblers can easily be intimidated at the thought of actually swimming. But, this doesn’t need to be the case. Acknowledging your fears and taking steps to mitigate them will put you on the right path to aquatic bliss.
Any of your swimming phobias will easily be outweighed by the benefits awaiting you after a swim. You just have to create a solid game plan to take your goal of swimming a reality.
This is how you kill swimming fobias: advice by experts
Get comfortable holding your breath to swimming fobias. People who rarely put their faces in the water can experience some form of claustrophobia or slight panic at not breathing. Before attempting to place your head under water in the pool, try it in more familiar surroundings. This means drawing a nice, comfortable bath and slowing practicing putting your head underwater at home. Try to relax, inhale and then slowly submerge your head, welcoming the water to envelope you. Performing at-home head dunks frequently will help put your mind at ease about doing it at the pool.
Attempt to float. Before any strokes take place, it is best to acclimate yourself with how to float. Floating on your back is a vital life skill, but also valuable for learning to swim. Feeling the water supporting you underneath can help you appreciate how to not fight the water, but rather move within it. You can even practice floating on your back while still holding on to the wall. Having an anchor will help keep new swimmers calm. But, it also enable them to feel the weightlessness that comes with not being on solid ground. Practice floating regularly to create muscle memory of relaxing in the water.
Watch your water world. Although chlorine and salt can sting eyes when exposed for too long, that shouldn’t keep you away from the water. Opening your eyes for brief periods of time underwater won’t cause damage, but will enable you to appreciate your aquatic environment. Once you’re comfortable holding your breath, try opening your eyes briefly. This will help you get over any anxious feelings of not being in control or grounded. Actually seeing where you are will help your mind accept what your body is feeling. Once you are more committed to swimming, then it’s wise to purchase goggles to protect your eyes ongoing.
Get connected. As with most activities, it’s easier to try a new adventure with someone you trust. Why not pair up with a friend who also has a lifelong dream of getting comfortable in the water? You can help provide comfort and support in the early days of getting acclimated. And, you can provide helpful feedback on each other’s progress, keeping motivated to move on to the next step.
Photo by Guillermo Diaz Mier y Terán on Unsplash